Dreamers (DACA)

Legal Options for Dreamers
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Dreamers (DACA) Attorneys In Miami & Naples, Florida

What Is DACA?

Sandra Echevarria, located in Miami, is your ideal legal partner in navigating the complex landscape of U.S Immigration laws. If you arrived in the United States without authorization before your 16th birthday, you could potentially qualify for deferred action through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Act. This is subject to the potential overturning of the July 16, 2021 ruling by a federal court that currently suspends the program. Prior to this date, the law provided deportation deferrals for specified periods. Though deferred action does not grant eligibility for a green card, it does authorize you to reside, work, and pursue education legally in the U.S. Continue to hold onto hope, as there may be alternatives to DACA. Remarkably, almost one-third of DACA applicants qualify for other statuses that provide more enduring benefits. It's crucial to consult with Sandra Echevarria to understand your potential eligibility. Only a licensed legal professional like Sandra can thoroughly assess your situation and map out a beneficial path in the intricate U.S. immigration system.

Call The Law Offices of Sandra Echevarria, P.A. at 786-481-4715 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.
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Does the July 16 Ruling On DACA affect Your Qualification for Benefits?

As an immigration attorney in Miami, Sandra Echevarria, understands the complexities surrounding DACA recipients' qualifications. To be eligible, individuals need to have arrived in the U.S. before their 16th birthday, and no later than June 15, 2007. Continuous residency in the U.S. since that date is obligated, and applicants should have been under 31 years of age as of June 15, 2012, with no lawful status at that point. Educational or military service requirements include being in school, having a GED, graduating or obtaining a high school completion certificate, or receiving an honorable discharge from the U.S. Armed Forces or Coast Guard. It is crucial that applicants have a clean record, with no convictions for a felony, serious misdemeanors, or three or more lesser misdemeanors, and pose no threat to public safety or national security. Regardless of the outcome of the ruling on July 16, 2021, there may be alternate legal avenues available. Arrange a consultation with Sandra Echevarria to explore potential opportunities.

What Are the Alternatives?

Don't let legal challenges dampen your spirit. Schedule a consultation with Sandra Echevarria in Miami, a seasoned immigration attorney who can guide you through potential opportunities for benefits. Consider these possible scenarios. If you are a Dreamer with current DACA status and attain advance parole, lawful travel and re-entry to the U.S. is possible. This means that if you're married to a U.S. citizen or have a child aged 21 or above, you can apply for lawful permanent status - a green card while you're in the U.S. If you are a DACA holder who entered the U.S. lawfully and subsequently married a U.S. citizen, green card application is an available path for you. Even for those who entered the U.S. without legal approval, there are still possibilities. Should you be married to a U.S. citizen, you could qualify for a provisional waiver. If USCIS approves your application, you have the chance to apply for (and receive) a green card from a U.S. consulate abroad, provided you meet the necessary criteria. With the ever-changing landscape of immigration laws, it's important to seek advice from Sandra Echevarria to explore any potential opportunities you could qualify for.

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